commission sheet

status: CLOSED!
please check out the links for more information. :)


Terms of Service

By commissionning me, you agree to the terms of service listed on this page.

Before You Commission....

  • I have the rights to review, accept, and deny your proposals based on the complexity and my confidence in executing said proposals.

  • Please provide as much details and references as you can!

  • I will not accept requests asking me to emulate or copy another graphic designer's style.

  • Please do not commission me if you're in a rush!

Payment and Pricing

  • I am open to Indonesian and International clients. Indonesian clients may choose to pay via e-wallet [OVO, Gopay] or Bank Transfer [Jenius]. International Clients can pay through Paypal, via invoices or Ko-Fi.

  • I only accept payments via the listed channels above. Paying me through other services will be considered invalid. Please be careful!

  • A down payment of 50% is necessary for me to begin your work.

  • After your invoice is sent I will wait for a maximum of 7x24 hours for your payment confirmation. If you fail to complete your payment without a notice, your work will be considered cancelled. Your slot will be forfeit, and your commission will be cancelled. You may not ask for a refund.

Delays and Cancellations

  • Projects that I have not started will be refunded in full. Projects that I have started, but not finished, will be refunded for 50% of its initial down payment. Projects that I have finished will not be refunded.

  • If I cannot work on your project anymore for various reasons, I will notify you and send you a full refund.

Crediting, Testimonials, and Feedback

  • A credit for my work is appreciated, but not necessary. I request that my name is visible in an accessible and convenient way. A hyperlink to my twitter page or this page is the ideal.

  • Do not claim my work as your own. Failure to meet this point will result in your blacklisting and a public announcement to other artists.


  • Contact me through Twitter/Discord DMs with your design brief (if you're unsure how to, this is a good place to start!

  • I will notify you if I can/cannot work with you. If I reject your application, it's okay! You can try again when my commission is reopened.


these prices are only valid for a short time while i build up my portfolio and experience.

Logo Design - Basic
Price: $30 | 150k IDR

slots open: 1

this package comes with:

  • 1 primary logo

  • 2 solids (black/white/any color of your choosing)

  • 2 major revision

  • Commercial License

Overlay - Static
Price: $50 | 200k IDR

slots open: 2

this package comes with:

  • 3 static intermission screens (starting/brb/ending)

  • 2 static overlay screens (freetalk/gaming/art)

  • Commercial License

Schedule Template
Price: $15 | 75k IDR

slots open: 2

this package comes with:

  • High-resolution PSD file

  • Font pack

  • Commercial License